Messiah's Disciples

Inspiration & Edification

edification & exhortation

About this site:

Our purpose for starting this endeavor is to encourage and inspire fellow beings who are searching for the Way, the Truth and the Life. We can certainly identify with this quest. In the mid 1970’s we started our own faith walk and spiritual journey together. Since we have found the Messiah, we are happy to share the good news from the Old and New Testaments that point to our Lord and Savior. There are over 150 prophecies regarding the Messiah who obviously were fulfilled by Jesus Christ. As disciples we look forward to the future promises of Christ’s return. While we wait we will share the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge found in God’s Word. We can let it be the light that brightens our path and enlightens our understanding. May your life be blessed by these Eternal Truths!

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